
During your undergraduate career, the relationships you forge with other students will serve
as the bonds that shape our community and hold it together. 你们的互动必须得到指导
by principles of care, honesty, integrity, and civility. 我们必须共同促进包容性,
promote agency, and create an environment conducive to our personal and collective growth

All students should aspire to lead bold, engaged, and transformative lives, that add value to
我们共同的社区. The 社区标准 guidelines, policies and procedures found
in this handbook are presented to you as a foundation on which to structure your daily
的相互作用. You are responsible for reading, understanding, and observing these guideline,
政策和程序. Should you have a question, we strongly encourage you to connect
with your Residential Learning Coordinators to discuss the values and
communal principles we uphold as a College. They can speak with you individually or in
groups and always welcome opportunities to engage in thoughtful discussions about the
principles represented by the college’s policies.

We continue our important work on the 运动 for Community, an institutional effort to
discern and create the community that we wish to be. 我们工作的核心是开发一种
strong community that is inclusive, respectful, caring, and healthy. 我们将继续致力于
creating and maintaining learning, living and working environments that are safe, equitable,
accessible and inclusive for all members of our community. 我们请求你和你的同僚
commit to participate in and feel empowered to lead these conversations. 你和你的同伴
help shape the culture of our community. Your engagement in thoughtful discussions and
的相互作用 with each other defines our campus climate.

Immediately following this letter, you will find our Integrity Contract. 年年新
students sign it and each day students live it. This contract represents a commitment by
students to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and to realize their potential
作为成熟和有爱心的成年人. Every student has the capacity at Trinity to self-govern and, to
accomplish this, must hold herself/himself/themselves, and each other, accountable to our

Your active support of these policies and 社区标准 along with your participation
in the vibrant and diverse life of our college will move Trinity toward an inclusive community.
We wish you the best in the coming year.


Dr. 杨晨T. 家长
Dean of 学生生活 and Director of 班塔姆网络

罗伯特·P. Lukaskiewicz


节中,我. 学术政策

In this section you will learn about the College’s policies regarding Confidentiality & 学生记录, 如何向家长发布信息, 学术上的诚实, 和休假 & 自愿撤资政策.


第二节. 金融政策

Consult this section to learn about the College’s Financial Regulations, 如何支付你的大学账单 & The Office of Student Accounts, The College’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy & 财政援助办公室, 全球十大网赌正规平台退款政策, How to Withdraw from Residential Contracts, and the regulations for Meal Plan Participation & 退款.


第三节. 健康、安全、 & 停车政策

From this section you will learn who to contact at Trinity in case of an Emergency. You will also learn about Trinity’s Health & 安全条例,车辆保护 & Motor Vehicle Regulations, and the Student Bill of Rights in Regard to Campus Safety


第四节. 大学政策

This section concerns the College Regulations & Student Community Standards process, including the College’s 酒精 & 药物政策. Trinity’s Amnesty Policies, the Policy Statement on Discrimination, General Harassment & Abuse, and information on Sexual Assault Awareness, Education & Prevention are discussed in this section. You will also learn about the Title IX Officer, 学生住宿政策, the College’s Nondiscrimination statements, and the 程序 for Grievances against Students, 政府 & 工作人员.


第五部分. Bantam Network Residential Learning Community Policies & 的指导方针

Within this section are the Bantam Network Residential Learning Community’s Communal Principles, 医疗资讯 & 疫苗依从性,室 & 家具保养指引 & Personal Property Liability/Insurance Coverage. Also included in this section is information on Community Standards within the 住宅社区, 生活在一个相互尊重的社区, 休息室使用, and Trinity’s Pet Policy within the 住宅社区. 最后, you will learn about 班塔姆网络 Residential Learning Communities policies regarding Noise, 客人, 酒精, 药物 & Smoking within Residential Facilities, Residential Safety, Fire Safety, and Prohibited Items. 潜在的制裁, as related to the Community Standards Process, are discussed at the end of this section.


第六节. 学生组织 & 校园活动指引

Learn about Student Organization Regulations & 程序, 学生会协会, The Student-Athlete Social Responsibility Policy, 娱乐指南 & Responsibilities, and Social Affairs Regulations & 事件的批准. In this section you will also learn about Poster & 横幅规定, How to Reserve and Use College Facilities, 学生企业, and the Regulations on 事件 with 酒精 that take place Off Campus.